Virtual Machine – VMM Error (2915)

Falha de comunicação VMM com host de Hyper-V

Error (2915)
The Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) service cannot process the request. The object was not found on the server (XXXX.contoso.corp).

WinRM: URL: [http://XXXX.contoso.corp:5985], Verb: [GET], Resource: [\ClusterStorage\Volume4\XXXXX\VM2012R2_Default.vhdx]

Unknown error (0x80338000)

Recommended Action
Ensure that the VMM agent is installed and running. If the error persists, restart the virtualization server (XXXX.contoso.corp) and then try the operation again.

This error can also happen due to an older version of the VMM agent on the virtualization server. Ensure that the VMM agent is upgraded to the latest version, and then try the operation again.

No host HOST Hyper-V execute “nets start SCVMMAgent” para iniciar o serviço do Agent do VMM

Seja Feliz!!!!

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