Mês: novembro 2013

Read Permission to the Shared Mailbox Office 365

Connect via powershel with the account that had given read access

Get-MailboxFolder –Identity [email protected] –recuse | Add-MailboxFolderPermission –user [email protected] –AccessRights Reviewer

Now let’s remove the permission to send on behalf of

Set-Mailbox –Identity [email protected] –GrantSendOnBehalfto $null

Now add the email account in Microsoft Outlook:
File | Account Settings | Double click on account | More Settings | Advanced | Mailbox | Add | Enter the name of the Mailbox. OK an all screens.


Configure SNMP Fotinet (CLI)

Connect console (CLI)

FW-SP-01# config system snmp community (enter)

FW-SP-01# edit 1 (Enter)

FW-SP-01# config hosts (enter)

FW-SP-01# edit 1 (enter)

FW-SP-01# set interface port1 (Interface monitoring SNMP)

FW-SP-01# set IP (releasing all IP interface to monitor)

FW-SP-01# set source-ip (releasing the class of IP)

FW-SP-01# end (enter)

FW-SP-01# set status enable (enter)

FW-SP-01# set query-v1-port 161 (enter)

FW-SP-01# set query-v1-status enable (enter)

FW-SP-01# set query-v2c-port 162 (enter)

FW-SP-01# set query-v2c-status enable (enter)

FW-SP-01# set status enable (enter)

FW-SP-01# set name public (Name community)

FW-SP-01# end (enter)

FW-SP-01# config system snmp community (enter)

FW-SP-01# show (enter)

FW-SP-01 (community) # show

config system snmp community

edit 1

config hosts

edit 1

set interface "port1"



set name "public"

set query-v2c-port 162






Port 139 not OPEN

Cenarios, SONICWALL com SSO Agent, todas as maquinas da rede (80 somente) funcionando, somente uma maquina não autenticava, telnet na porta 139 não conectava, rede com SEP e firewall do Windows e do SEP ativos, desabilitei o firewall do Windows, mesmo erro, desativei o firewall do SEP mesmo erros, removi o SEP, mesmo erro, ativei o firewall do Windows e repassei as Regras de compartilhamento e impressora, mesmo erro….2 horaws depois, remove e instalei a placa de rede novamente, isso mesmo removi e instalei a placa de rede novamente, funcionou……….

Disable Access account mobile (Iphone, Android, Windows Phone)

Connect powershell (Office365)

Set-CASMailbox –Identity [email protected]” –ActiveSyncEnable $false (enter)



Alterando a porta de saída de email Fortinet


Entre via console (CLI)

Para verificar a porta execute o seguinte comanado:

get system email-server (enter)

Terá a resposta abaixo, a porta está como 25

lanspofwl002 # get system email-server 
type                : custom 
reply-to            : [email protected] 
server              : 
port                : 25
source-ip           :
source-ip6          : ::
authenticate        : disable 
security            : none 


Vamos alterar para 587

Execute o seguinte comando:

config system email-server (enter)

set port 587 (enter)

end (enter)

Depois execute:

get system email-server (enter)

lanspofwl002 # get system email-server 
type                : custom 
reply-to            : [email protected] 
server              : 
port                : 587
source-ip           :
source-ip6          : ::
authenticate        : disable 
security            : none 

Pronto, porta alterada, você pode alterar o tipo de autenticação com este mesmo comando.

