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Forward e-mail synchronized with Active Directory Exchange Online

Creating forwarding emails (Synchronization with Active Directory)

Connect powershell

1-)$LiveCred = Get-Credential
2-)$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/ -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
3-)Import-PSSession $Session


Set-Mailbox Contato –ForwardingSmtpAddress [email protected]om –DeliverToMailboxAndForward $false


Contato = Mailbox that will receive forwarding to another email
[email protected] = E-mail address that will receive the forwarding mailbox contact

Adding secondary SMTP users to synchronize with Active Directory


Synchronized objects in Active Directory, we can not make any changes in Exchange Online.
To add a user for secondary SMTP example:

[email protected] as primary SMTP and
[email protected] as secondary SMTP



Then select the object:


Right / Properties / Attributes

Locate ProxyAddress



add secondary SMTP:
SMTP: [email protected]

Ok in all screens can force synchronization or wait for the normal period synchronization of Exchange Online, it also serves to distribution groups.

Migrando AD Windows Server 2003 para Windows Server 2012

1º Elevar o nlivel funcional para 2003

2º Elevar o nivel da floresta para 2003

3º Insira o DVD do Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 (Isso mesmo não errei, pois no DVD do 2012 não existe adprep.exe32)

4º No 2003 Server, insira o DVD do 2008/2008R2

5º Abra a prompt de comando

6º Abra o DVD na pasta support

7º digite os seguintes comandos:

adprep.exe /forestprerp (enter)

adprerp.exe /domainprep (enter)

adprep.exe /rodcprerp (enter)

adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep (enter)

8º Agora poderá adicionar como controlador de domínio adicional o Windows Server 2012

9º Após ter configurado o Windows Server 2012 como controlador de domínio adicional, vamos fazer a migração das funções:


After upgrading from Exchange Global Catalog Online "Office 365" Microsoft Outlook updates the list of global contacts


Close Microsoft Outlook




Offline Address Books.old

Open Microsoft Outlook,.

Disable Access Microsoft Outlook Power Shell “Exchange Online”

Set-CASMailbox –identity [email protected]” –MAPIEnable $False (Disable Access

Set-CASMailbox –identity [email protected]” –MAPIEnable $True (Enable Access)

Change Password Several Users Power Shell .Csv Exchange Online

Import-CSV “E:scriptsreset.csv” | foreach {Set-MsolUserPassword -userPrincipalName $_.userPrincipalName -NewPassword $_.Password -ForceChangePassword $false}

.Csv File

[email protected],P@ssWord



$False = Not change the password netx logon

$True = Change the password netx logon